Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Noise with Dirt

When I was pregnant with my son, someone sent me a picture on Facebook that was captioned, "Boy: noise with dirt on it." Ohhhhh how true it is!

My son is just shy of 11 months old and doesn't walk unassisted yet, although he crawls at about 100 mph. He doesn't play outside much yet, and he has a bath every night after dinner. You wouldn't think he'd have many opportunities to get dirty, but somehow he winds up with dirt under his nails and sometimes he looks like Leonardo diCaprio's character from What's Eating Gilbert Grape? As we were snuggling for his morning nap today, I noticed he had blueberries in his ear. How did he manage that? So many times a random piece of cheese or a raisin has fallen out of his clothes.

And noise? He says several words already and picks one or two that he repeats for a few weeks. Right now he asks, "Dat?" and says, "good" several million times a day. He babbles to himself constantly. He squeals and shrieks and giggles and claps his hands and bangs his blocks together and then turns on all of his toys at the same time, for good measure.

And I, of course, love every minute of my dirty noise. 

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